Update : Form Javascript Manager

Today, I updated the form javascript manager with minor features

Change log:

  • When scripts are exported, you can now move to the Import tab automatically
  • Scripts are updated automatically in the tool when the files on disk are updated
  • It is now possible to import AND publish scripts in one action (you don't have to click on Import then on Publish)
  • You can Import/Publish using contextual menu or button
  • Encoding is better managed for non english language

As usual you can download the last version following this link


Erman GÜLER said…
it's an excellent tool.
İ tried to deveolop a tool like it before but it was not professional like yours. i want to contiunue devoloping your tool for non commercial proposes. for example attribute intelli sense support or insert code snippets in VS etc..
i wonder tahat your project is open source or not. if it is open source where ican download it?
Tanguy said…
Hi Erman,

I didn't decide yet to provide the source code of these tools...

For the moment, I prefer to provide and support these tools on my own way...

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