Update: Form Javascript Manager

Hi all,
It is a long time since I have posted some news on my blog… Well, I have lot of work and have to deal with many CRM projects. Not easy everyday :)
Today, it is not really a tool update, almost a new tool. If you download the latest version of the FormJavascriptManager, you will find a second tool: FormJavascriptManagerCommand.
It is a command line utility that will allow you to automate export and import of your form scripts. Thanks to Bianca for the idea after a presentation of TFS2010 and CRM project automation.
Here are some instructions:
FormJavascriptManager.exe /c <connectionName> /f <folderPath> [/i|/e] [optionalParameters]
Mandatory Parameters:
/c <connectionName> : Name of the connection to use in mscrmtools.config file
/f <folderPath> : Folder where to read and write scripts
/e <entitiesList> : Export the scripts of specified entities in <entitiesList> (with format entity1;entity2;entity3)
/i : Import the scripts located in the specified folder
Optional Parameters:
/p : Publish the customizations (Must be used with /i parameter)
/pwd <password> : Password when using custom or IFD authentication
/l <logFilePath> : Path for the log file
FormJavascriptManager.exe /c AnIfdConnection /pwd MyPassword /e account;contact;lead /f d:\exportFolder /l d:\logFolder\log.txt
FormJavascriptManager.exe /c OnPremiseConnection /i /p /f d:\importFolder /l d:\logFolder\log.txt


Stefan said…
Hi, I must say I love your tools although I haven't used all of them yet.

We recently started using TFS for our .net projects and I'm investigating ways of managing our CRM javascript events through TFS as well.

Do you perhaps have an article with a bit more information on how your Javascript Manager can be used alongside TFS? This blog post describes all of the command line arguments but I'm not sure how to put everything together.

Can the process be automated from within TFS or how would you recommend it be used?

Thanks in advance.
Tanguy said…
Hi Stefan,
To be honest, I'm really not an expert with TFS. I just attend a workshop about it and our trainer was explaining us that we could automate some actions like daily build and customizations import (or export), etc.

As it was a best practice to store javascripts as separate files to be able to maintain source control, I decided to write this command line utility.

But I don't know how to automate the usage of the tool in TFS.

When it will be possible (I hope soon), I'll let you know how to do...

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