Update: Isv Configuration Manager


Today, one bug fix and one enhancement for this tool

1) A guy named Christoph has informed me that the attributes ValidForCreate and ValidForUpdate (in Button and MenuItem) are not set to “0” when you don’t action them. It is now corrected.

2) For the enhancement, it is just about Javascript boxes. I had to put heavy Javascript recently in buttons and menu items and I found that too boring not being able to select all existing script and delete it or even edit it in a wider window.

So, I have added two buttons near Javascript textboxes:

  • One for clearing the textbox content
  • One to open a sizable edit dialog window

The two new buttonsJavaScriptControl The edit dialog window

As usual, use the download link to get the latest version


Scott Sewell said…
Tanguy - I found that the ">" character was escaped out in the file produced by the jscript export tool. -

I can test/reproduce for you if you need. -
Tanguy said…
Is there any link with the Isv Config Manager tool?

I don't get why you post your comment here

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