Tool Update : ISV Config Manager

Just a small update regarding the attribute AvailableOffline that used incorrect value and makes the forms crash.

The tool has been updated and can be downloaded in the same place as before.


CarlyK said…
Hello. Is it possible to use this tool for a CRM Online instance? It looks like exactly what I need but I cannot get it to connect.
Tanguy said…
Hi Carly,

No, the tool is not designed to be used with CRM Online. Nevertheless, you can use it "offline", save the result in XML file (Save button) and import this file using "Import Customization" feature directly in the web app.
filsinn said…
Hello Tanguy,

your tools helped me in so many ways, you sir are truly a genius!

Cheers Felix
Tanguy said…
Thank you :)

I'm pleased having helped you!

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