Tool Update: View Layout Replicator

Hi guys,

I updated this utility to support related entity attributes.

Indeed, some rollup (don’t know which one) changed the way the related entity attributes are configured in the layoutXml of a savedquery.

This change caused the utility to crash unexpectedly if you selected a view containing related entity attributes.

This is now corrected!

Use habitual download location


Unknown said…
I modified the default view for Contacts to show the owner and owner's business unit. When I go into the app and select that entity I get the message:

Error while displaying view: Could not find an attribute with specified name: a_7a8f8b36ef8848cea47a24d2b18e0cca.businessunitid
Tanguy said…
Are you sure having the last version?
Unknown said…
Yes, I just downloaded it. Feb 04, 2011
Tanguy said…
Can you post here the fetchxml and the layoutxml parts of the view causing a problem...?
Unknown said…
Won't let me post the was actually in my last post.

Message from webpage

Unknown said…
Message from webpage
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false"><entity name="contact"><attribute name="fullname"/><attribute name="parentcustomerid"/><attribute name="telephone1"/><attribute name="emailaddress1"/><attribute name="cust_phoneticname"/><attribute name="jobtitle"/><attribute name="address2_country"/><attribute name="address1_city"/><attribute name="cust_prefix"/><attribute name="cust_role"/><attribute name="ownerid"/><attribute name="nickname"/><attribute name="gendercode"/><attribute name="cust_function"/><attribute name="modifiedon"/><attribute name="contactid"/><order attribute="fullname" descending="false"/><filter type="and"><condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="0"/></filter><link-entity name="systemuser" from="systemuserid" to="owninguser" visible="false" link-type="outer" alias="a_7a8f8b36ef8848cea47a24d2b18e0cca"><attribute name="businessunitid"/></link-entity></entity></fetch>

<grid name="resultset" object="2" jump="fullname" select="1" icon="1" preview="1">
<row name="result" id="contactid">
<cell name="cust_prefix" width="50" />
<cell name="fullname" width="200" />
<cell name="nickname" width="100" ws/>
<cell name="cust_phoneticname" width="100" />
<cell name="emailaddress1" width="150" />
<cell name="parentcustomerid" width="150" />
<cell name="jobtitle" width="150" />
<cell name="cust_function" width="100" />
<cell name="cust_role" width="100" />
<cell name="telephone1" width="125" />
<cell name="address1_city" width="100" />
<cell name="address2_country" width="100" />
<cell name="gendercode" width="100" />
<cell name="ownerid" width="100" />
<cell name="modifiedon" width="100" />
<cell name="a_7a8f8b36ef8848cea47a24d2b18e0cca.businessunitid" width="100" disableSorting="1" />
Unknown said…
upgraded to rollup 15....same issue.
Tanguy said…
Can you send me an email to tanguy92 [arobase] hotmail [dot] com?
I'll send you an updated version to validate the correction

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