New tool: SiteMap Editor for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

With the last version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, you can organize your customizations through solutions and this is really a nice feature. But some specific actions are taking really more time than with previous versions…

This is exactly the problem when you want to edit the SiteMap. You have to add the SiteMap to a solution (maybe create one before), export the solution, extract the solution, update the Xml, zip the files, import the solution (should I need to continue with import wizard steps…? Sourire)

So, today, I release my new tool, the SiteMap Editor. It works like the IsvConfigManager for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 to edit the SiteMap.


  • Connections to OnPremise, Online and Claim based deployments
  • TreeView display of SiteMap
  • Add SiteMap component with mouse usage
  • Add default SiteMap component if you removed one
  • Cut/Copy/Paste of SiteMap component
  • Display Xml of SiteMap component
  • Add SiteMap component from Xml
  • Reset SiteMap to default system one
  • Import back the SiteMap to CRM server




As usual the application is available on codeplex.


40's the new 30 said…
Thank you! I used the ResetSiteMap to default option as I had broken headings following a test upgrade from 4.0 to 2011.

Russell said…
very helpful tool for the most part. The sitemap loads & upgrades without a problem: I can make new tabs, give it an icon. But the title on any new area I make always shows up as "unknownXX" (XX being a number). Any idea why? thanks :)
Tanguy said…
Hi russel,
Did you add Title element to your Area elements?

If yes, I suggest you to log an issue on codeplex
Unknown said…
Hy guys,
I just downloaded sitemap editro for CRM2011. When I try to add Area, there is problem coming up, because even if I fill ID with name (no space) after SAVE msgbox is showing "Id is required!".
Is there a way to fix this?
Anonymous said…
Awesome, Awesome tool! Excellent work -- thank you so much for sharing.

I too have the problem above trying to add a new Area -- I get the message that say "Id is required". It think the problem may be the Resource Id that it is looking for, but that field is disabled. Anyway to fix?
Carsten Groth said…
Great Tool, but I still have some problems regarding add view url. In webclient the link is visible and working in outlook client the link is not visible.
Tanguy said…
As far as I know, you can't use the same url for Outlook and web client (if not absolute url).

Try to create two subarea with specific url for each client type
Adam Luckhaupt said…
This is a great tool. I had the same problems with adding a new area. I added the area in SiteMap Editor and saved the file. Then I reopened the file in XML Notepad, added the Title element saved it, reopened the file in SiteMap Editor and updated CRM from there.

It sounds like a pain but it wasn't too bad.
Anonymous said…
excellent tool, keep the great work sir
AshS said…
Thank you for this fantastic tool. Took me about 30 mins to get it figured out and do things I had not been able to before.
Tanguy said…
Thanks for this great feedback

Could you rate this tool on codeplex to make it more visible?
AshS said…
Done. Thanks again.
Anonymous said…
would you happen to know why i would get this?

Error while retrieving organizations: Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved:
'https://dev.https//'. The remote name could not be resolved: 'dev.https'
Tanguy said…
Hi anonymous,

when connection to CRM Online, just type as the server name and click on "Retrieve Orgs." button
Arnel Gracela said…
Hi Guys, can anyone help me, i have a windows 7 x64 machine, i have crm 2011 installed on one of my servers, I then downloaded the sitemap editor and it keeps getting error debugger message when connecting to my crm, does it have any other requirements i've already installed windows identity framework though.
Tanguy said…
Hi Arnel,

Could you indicates which parameters you defined in the connection form?

Did you read the documentation on CodePlex?
Anonymous said…
Hi. This is a real "must have" tool which does the job perfectly ! It saved me many hours of export / modify / import / test sequences !


Charmaine said…
Hi I am trying to set up a connection however the use ssl checkbox is always ticked and disabled hence giving me an error all the time as i dont have an SSL on test environment. How can i connect not using SSL?


Tanguy said…
Hi Charmaine,
If the checkbox is ticked and disabled, that means you are trying to connect to IFD or CRM Online. In both case, IFD and CRM Online requires SSL for transport.
If you try to connect to OnPremise server, then don't tick any checkbox and just put your server name and port.
If you have still difficulties agter that, please use CodePlex for more assistance.
Daniel Hursan said…
Hi, can the SitemapEditor be used to add a link for a certain entity (let's say Campaign), link which will point to a custom view of the campaign responses ?

To be more specific, a Campaign can have multiple Campaign Responses.
I want to add a link on the Campaign form navigation to point to a custom filtered view of Campaign Responses.

Thanks, Dany.
Tanguy said…
Hi Daniel,

SiteMapEditor is just... a SiteMap editor.

It can't edit left navigation panel on forms
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Alex said…
Hi Tanguy,

I just started using your tool and it is fantastic. The site map for the browser client is built as user liked it. My only concern is that I cannot find a way to publish the same site map in the Outlook client. You said that the outlook urls are different that web client's urls. Could you give me an example of Outlook "friendly" url?


Tanguy said…
Hi Alex, that's not exactly what I said or I wasn't clear enough.

I said that there is specific url for Outlook as Areas and groups can be selected in Outlook (in web client, there is no specific pages for these items) and a page can be displayed.

I guess these pages should be HTML web resources referenced in the Outlook url...

What is different in Outlook for the SiteMap?
Alex said…
Thank you for the prompt response.

I just created a customized sitemap that is working perfectly in browser but when I use the outlook client I am getting the defualt site map.
Could you suggest any solution/workaround?


Tanguy said…
Do you close Outlook, wait for Outlook.exe process to be closed before reopening Outlook and looking for SiteMap changes?
Alex said…
Yes, I did. Also, I rebooted many times and also I created a VM to test it.

Any ideas?

Tanguy said…
I just made a test myself and my Outlook SiteMap was updated...

My test was performed on a CRM Online instance. I updated the SiteMap but had to sync data between Outlook and CRM before seeing the update.

Just another point, Outlook folders seem to be updated partial. My test was a group addition with a subarea in it. The group was not visible as a folder but was visible as a link in the page when I select the Area.

Maybe some CRM client problems...

Anyway, the SiteMap was clearly updated.

So I don't have any more help. Just be sure you didn't set SiteMap items to be displayed only in web client
Alex said…
Actually, I created a new Area that it is not visible in Outlook sitemap but it is visible in pane.

Thank you for your time.


Anonymous said…
Hi Tanguy,

Great tool, thanks - I believe this is going to achieve exactly what I am after!

I have created a new area, and it is working well, however I can't get the sitemap to display the 'title' I want the area to have - it displays 'unknown5' instead.

I suspect this is due to the lack of a 'resourceID' and a DescriptionResourceID', but I can't see where to find and / or set these ID's correctly.

Can you help?


Tanguy said…
You should rigth click on the Area node and click on "Add Titles", then click on the Title node, specify a language ID (1033 for english) and specify a label. Then update the SiteMap
Anonymous said…
Thanks so much - my mistake seems to be I used the number for 'Australian English (3081) not 1033

Rockin tool! :)


Anonymous said…

Am using CRM online. I just try to connect my details with the tool. It says 'Error loading Organization:....'.

Servername :-

User Id: my login id (<
Password: my password
Tanguy said…
If you used these settings, then you didn't read the documentation on codeplex :)

use only when connecting to CRM Online.
Anonymous said…
If you read his post you would see that he is actually doing correct along the documentation on Codeplex and therefore using
I am facing the same problem.

Anyone up for telling the correct settings, when connectiong to CRM online using LiveID and not OSDP or any other, and comming from EMEA.?
Tanguy said…
Can you post a new discussion on codeplex and provide a screenshot? I will help you
Srini RN said…

With reference to your comment that you can't use the same url for Outlook and web client. How do we do it. I actually tried using two different URL's, but it is not working as expected. It is also persisting the state within outlook if the URL is specified for the same entity with different sitemap navigation points to different views of the entity.
Ex: Contact Entity has one view called called contacts. 2nd View created is called vendors. 3rd View created called distributors.
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