Ultimate ribbon designer : Ribbon Workbench (beta)

If you are used to follow my blog, you know I developed some tools around Dynamics CRM 2011 ribbons: Ribbon Browser and Ribbon Editor.

I think these tools are not useful anymore, since Develop 1 provides an incredible tool, packaged in a CRM 2011 solution that allows you to design ribbons using drag and drop in an amazing UI.


It is now just a matter of minutes to add a new control on a ribbon (not only buttons). See the list of supported item below:


To download this tool, just go to develop 1 website

This tool is still in beta version but is much better than any other tool I know. It promises the best for future release!


Anonymous said…
The Ribbon Workbench looks great and promises to be the tool that is absolutely needed to work with the CRM ribbon, but I've found that it's just not robust enough to use yet. It often produces incorrect XML when I use it. :(
İsmail TUTUMLUER said…
Scott Durow said…
The Ribbon Workbench has moved out of Beta and Version 1 was released Q4 2012.

Read more at Getting started with the Ribbon Workbench

Happy Ribbon Customising!


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