New tool! Solution Extender for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

You know, solutions management is really a great feature in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. Unfortunately, there are some limitations on what can be included or not in a solution.

So, today, please let me introduce the Solution Extender! It is an application that can export specific CRM 2011 components from an organization and import them back in the same or another organization (unique id’s of components are not retained).

Current features


  • Duplicate detection rules
  • Saved views (userquery)
  • Saved views (userquery) that will be converted to system view when importing


As usual, the tool and its source code is released on CodePlex. Please use discussions to ask for more components managed in this application.



Export wizard




Import wizard



Lassaad.C said…
Hello Tanguy, Thx for your tool I was searching for a tool wich can help me to convert custom view to a system view (to add the to the dashboard).
Little question (petite question) : the conversion of custom view to system view is it done by modifying the customization file? or with an other supported way?
Tanguy said…
Hi Lassaad,

You could have looked at the source code to have the answer ;)

The tool is using the SDK as saved view and system view are entity like any other in the SDK.

So it should be fully supported.
Kay Holmes said…
Having followed you has really made my stay worth while on your blog. I've learned tons of stuff from your tools and also some bunch of tips on how to improve the work in the most efficient way. Thanks for keeping up with some new updates for us.
Hey Tanguy Thanks for sharing your blog you have actually helped us to operate CRM sofware with more fun and simple. I really Loved all the useful information you have shared Thanks once again.
Mark said…
Great tool, Tanguy! Any chance of upgrading this to accommodate migrating user dashboards (as user dashboards -- not system)?
Sterco said…
Good Stuff, its really help full for me. Thanks for sharing with me.
crm it solutions
Anonymous said…
The progam crashes on startup?
THE ONE said…
Hi i cannot convert to system view , what am i doing wrong ?
Tanguy said…
May I have more information? Is there an error message?
Anonymous said…
I have the same problem. A few weeks ago it ran fine and now it crashes on ever start. Can't use it anymore.

prolem information: -CLR20r3solutionextender.exe2.0.0.2950894274mscorlib4.0.30319.1840852310b9126fb0System.IO.FileLoadException

Unfortunately no information which file is being loaded.
Dape said…
I am unable to export to system view. It imports like a personal view. Why is this and do you have an example of an xml of a system view
Tanguy said…
If you select the option to convert to system view, then it should work
Dape said…
It doesnt work it created a new personal view. The xml created also does not differ from a personal view creation. Why is this? it creates an xml like this:


<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="true"><entity name="account"><attribute name="name"/><attribute name="primarycontactid"/><attribute name="telephone1"/><attribute name="accountid"/><order attribute="name" descending="false"/><filter type="and"><condition attribute="ownerid" operator="in"><value uiname="Lagendijk, Nico" uitype="systemuser">{6F45AB8C-7A61-E311-AA67-B499BAFDBFCA}</value><value uiname="Schoolenberg, Koen" uitype="systemuser">{BD8DC9BE-7A61-E311-AA67-B499BAFDBFCA}</value><value uiname="Vriens, Michael" uitype="systemuser">{CB9F86F8-D781-E311-AA67-B499BAFDBFCA}</value><value uiname="Akalp, Ugur" uitype="systemuser">{32BDA6F5-9B56-E311-AA67-B499BAFDBFCA}</value><value uiname="van Opstal, Nikki" uitype="systemuser">{CF8AD72C-6634-E411-8B09-6C3BE5BE9F94}</value><value uiname="Yildiz, Sevinc" uitype="systemuser">{082E4BC2-0F85-E411-9C84-6C3BE5BE9F94}</value></condition></filter><link-entity name="contact" from="parentcustomerid" to="accountid" alias="ab"><filter type="and"><condition attribute="ownerid" operator="not-in"><value uiname="Lagendijk, Nico" uitype="systemuser">{6F45AB8C-7A61-E311-AA67-B499BAFDBFCA}</value><value uiname="Schoolenberg, Koen" uitype="systemuser">{BD8DC9BE-7A61-E311-AA67-B499BAFDBFCA}</value><value uiname="Vriens, Michael" uitype="systemuser">{CB9F86F8-D781-E311-AA67-B499BAFDBFCA}</value><value uiname="Akalp, Ugur" uitype="systemuser">{32BDA6F5-9B56-E311-AA67-B499BAFDBFCA}</value><value uiname="van Opstal, Nikki" uitype="systemuser">{CF8AD72C-6634-E411-8B09-6C3BE5BE9F94}</value><value uiname="Yildiz, Sevinc" uitype="systemuser">{082E4BC2-0F85-E411-9C84-6C3BE5BE9F94}</value></condition></filter></link-entity></entity></fetch>
<grid name="resultset" object="1" jump="name" select="1" icon="1" preview="1"><row name="result" id="accountid"><cell name="name" width="300" /><cell name="primarycontactid" width="150" /><cell name="telephone1" width="100" /></row></grid>
Accounts met eigenaren van Flink waar Contactpersonen geen eigenaar hebben

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