Tool update : SiteMap Editor

Rboyers, a codeplex user request a feature which is really a smart one, that will improve again your productivity!

The idea is to “hide” a sitemap component. Being able to not show it on the CRM application but still having this information in the SiteMap Editor.

This is the new feature I implemented today!

To “hide” (I prefer talking about deactivation), right click an item and click on “Disable”


The item is now “disabled” (In fact, its XML part is commented, so it still exists and the tool can read this comment as a normal node)


You can now update the SiteMap and look at the CRM application, the item disabled is not visible but still exists as comment in the SiteMap XML

To “show” back the item, right click the item and click on “Enable”

Still available on CodePlex


Henry Jammes said…
Nice! In order to hide and not delete, I've always put an impossible privilege (systemuser / delete) on the item in the sitemap to be sure it was not shown to anyone.
Tanguy said…
Except for sys admins... :)
Henry Jammes said…
are you sure? ;)
i think it is the only kind of record even sys admins cannot delete, only deactivate
AdamV said…
Brilliant idea, and great way to implement it. I often want to hide one or more elements from the standard SiteMap but be able to easily add them back in later, such as when a client wants to start with a simple deployment and add functionality later (such as using Opportunities first, then adding Quotes and Orders later).

Does this deactivating apply at any level (eg an area, a group or a subgroup?)

thanks again for such a useful, hugely timesaving tool!
Tanguy said…
It applies to Area/Group/SubArea/Privilege

Not on SiteMap, Titles/Title and Descriptions/Description

Thanks for the feedback

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