New XrmToolBox plugin: Audit Center

Today, I’m releasing a new (and certainly the last, at least for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011) plugin for the XrmToolBox : Audit Center.

The name speaks for itself: This plugin will allow you to manage the entities and attributes that should be activated for the audit feature of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. As usual, it should avoid boring steps when you want to configure your CRM application.

Instead of opening each entity to activate or deactivate audit, then repeating for each attributes, you will be able to performs all these tasks in a single place.

Here is what it looks like:


The tool displays only entities and attributes that are valid for audit. You can then add/remove entites/attributes with the corresponding buttons. When change are detected, the button “Apply changes” is enabled. “Applying changes” does not activate or deactivate audit feature. It just update entities and attributes.

To activate/deactivate audit feature, use the button in the toolbar.

As usual, this plugin among all others is available on the XrmToolBox project page.


Amazing article.loved reading every bit.

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