New XrmToolBox version and MVP award

Hi everybody,

First of all, maybe you already saw it on social networks but I’' have been renewed as a Microsoft Dynamics CRM MVP for the 6th time! Great honor to be part of the CRM MVP group again and thanks to all XrmToolBox users that  make this possible.

Regarding XrmToolBox, I just released a new version today.

New plugins management

It is a breaking change version since plugins management have been revamped to use Microsoft Extensibilty Framework, which means plugins need to be migrated to this new plugins mechanism to work. This new mechanism helps to manage plugins automatically with no custom code, and also allow to deliver files with multiples plugins inside.

If you use plugins other than ones shipped with XrmToolBox, you might want to keep the previous version available until other plugins are migrated. Of course, all plugins shipped with XrmToolBox are compatible.

Usage statistics

I aslo implemented a new mechanism that will help me and other developers to understand how often plugins are used. To do so, when starting XrmToolBox, a prompt will ask for your agreement to send totally anonymous information about your usage of XrmToolBox plugins. To be clear, the only data sent is the version of XrmToolBox and the name of the plugin executed.

Here is the prompt


You can always change your mind by de/activating this feature in XrmToolBox options


You will be able to see statistics on statecounter

Help content (developers)

Developers can now include a help link in their plugins. By implementing interface IHelpPlugin, a new menu is available to redirect users to a help web page of your choice.


Other updates

To see the complete list of other changes, read the release notes


As usual, you can download the latest version on


Unknown said…
Congrats, Tanguy! Well deserved!
Unknown said…
Thanks for sharing information

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