PHP to CRM Online : An easy way to do
Last week, for two of my customers, I was asked to find the way to communicate with CRM Online using PHP. I don’t know anything about PHP so it was quite a challenge to do it. Nevertheless, Microsoft provide some help with the CRM Developer training kit ( download it here ). It contains a sample to connect to CRM Online with PHP (The lab is named “CRM Online from PHP”) but this sample is out of date since Microsoft changed the authentication model in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. Here is the changes to perform in order to make this sample working. Use of SSL v3 First thing is to enable use of SSL v3 in the PHP sample. To do this, open the file “LiveIDManager.php” and find the method GetSOAPResponse. This method uses Curl (Client URL Request Library) to perform url calls. Add the following lines before the call of method “curl_exec”: curl_setopt($cURLHandle, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION , 3); The final code for the curl use should be like below $cURLHandle = curl_init(); curl_setopt($cURLH...