
Showing posts from May, 2010

Update: Isv Configuration Manager

Hi, Today, one bug fix and one enhancement for this tool 1) A guy named Christoph has informed me that the attributes ValidForCreate and ValidForUpdate (in Button and MenuItem) are not set to “0” when you don’t action them. It is now corrected. 2) For the enhancement, it is just about Javascript boxes. I had to put heavy Javascript recently in buttons and menu items and I found that too boring not being able to select all existing script and delete it or even edit it in a wider window. So, I have added two buttons near Javascript textboxes: One for clearing the textbox content One to open a sizable edit dialog window The two new buttons The edit dialog window As usual, use the download link to get the latest version

Tool Update: BulkDeleteLauncher

Hi, So much posts on my blog in these days… :) Some of you must know that the SDK has been updated with version 4.0.12 ( download link ). I am responsible of one of the SDK update, as I opened a case regarding the error occuring when using MONTHLY recurrence : Recurrence Pattern in Asynchronous Job Execution Corrected information about job execution frequency. Removed "MONTHLY" interval and added "YEARLY" interval. If you used my tool, you will have noticed that the MONTHLY recurrency was not working. It was a type mismatch in the SDK that is now corrected. So the tool was also corrected to remove MONTHLY recurrency and add YEARLY recurrency. Use the usual link to download the last version.

Survey result: What do you think about the tools from this blog

Hi, Here is the result of the survey : " What do you think about the tools from this blog" I even sleep with them   7 (19%) Very useful   23 (63%) Sometimes useful   4 (11%) I tried but don't like them   1 (2%) Never heard about them   1 (2%) I can just say that my work doesn't seem useless, which makes me happy! A new survey is now available for two months: Which one of my tool do you use the more?

Update: Form Javascript Manager

Hi all, It is a long time since I have posted some news on my blog… Well, I have lot of work and have to deal with many CRM projects. Not easy everyday :) Today, it is not really a tool update, almost a new tool. If you download the latest version of the FormJavascriptManager, you will find a second tool: FormJavascriptManagerCommand. It is a command line utility that will allow you to automate export and import of your form scripts. Thanks to Bianca for the idea after a presentation of TFS2010 and CRM project automation. Here are some instructions: FormJavascriptManager.exe /c <connectionName> /f <folderPath> [/i|/e] [optionalParameters] Mandatory Parameters: /c <connectionName> : Name of the connection to use in mscrmtools.config file /f <folderPath> : Folder where to read and write scripts /e <entitiesList> : Export the scripts of specified entities in <entitiesList> (with format entity1;entity2;entity3) OR /i : Import the scripts located in the