
Showing posts from March, 2009

1000 visits

Already 1000 visits! Thank you all for your interest in this blog. There won't be a lot of posts in coming days, I need to prepare my wedding to be held in a month now

New tool! Isv.config Manager

Hello everyone Today, I propose a tool that asked me a lot of time to write but I am quite happy about it. It allows you to change the ISV configuration through an interface (unlike the tool CrmXmlEdit you probably know). So, you do not have to remind XML nodes and attributes for each element. Some features: Creation / Editing / Saving a configuration ISV Export / Import configuration ISV from CRM server Edition by mouse clicks Url test with web pages and icons preview Validating the ISV configuration using the XSD provided by Microsoft Some screenshots: Download: As usual, I remain attentive to the requests for modifications or lift bug (yeah, I know it could happen) [UPDATE] I forgot the Icon element for MenuItem, it's now corrected... [UPDATE 2] Thanks to the anonymous guy, a bug was corrected regarding connection status when loading entities name for entity element. You can download the corrected version.

New version of Form JavaScript Manager (v1.1)

I had some feedback on this tool and then, here is a new version. Updates: It is now possible to export several entities at the same time, by selecting from a list or by manually writing. Bug fixes: It could happen that the form event scripts are inverted if already exist in the form. Thus, a script could go onSave in the onLoad. Download:

New tool: JavaScript Form Manager

After a few days (weeks?) of silence, I am pleased to offer you my latest tool: JavaScript Form Manager. What does this tool? Export of form JavaScript (onload, onSave, onchange) in JavaScript file on disk Preview of scripts Edit scripts (ie launching the default text editor or Visual Studio) Import scripts from JavaScript files to the form and publish entities Supported input file name: entityName-onloadORonsave[-anythingElse].js entityName-onchange-attributeName[-anythingElse].js Examples: account-onload.js / onload-account-test.js / account-onchange-name.js / account-name-onchange-anotherTest.js This tool allows you to avoid navigating in the forms to test and manage your scripts. You do now everything from the tool, in a graphical way. Download: Screenshot : As usual, feel free to give me feedback if you encounter problems or if you think that this program can be improved