New tool: JavaScript Form Manager
After a few days (weeks?) of silence, I am pleased to offer you my latest tool: JavaScript Form Manager.
What does this tool?
What does this tool?
- Export of form JavaScript (onload, onSave, onchange) in JavaScript file on disk
- Preview of scripts
- Edit scripts (ie launching the default text editor or Visual Studio)
- Import scripts from JavaScript files to the form and publish entities
Supported input file name:
- entityName-onloadORonsave[-anythingElse].js
- entityName-onchange-attributeName[-anythingElse].js
Examples: account-onload.js / onload-account-test.js / account-onchange-name.js / account-name-onchange-anotherTest.js
This tool allows you to avoid navigating in the forms to test and manage your scripts. You do now everything from the tool, in a graphical way.
As usual, feel free to give me feedback if you encounter problems or if you think that this program can be improved
I have found one bug where the onsave script goes into the onload event when importing.
Would be great if you could select multiple entities in one go to export script :)
Keep up the great work :)
Karl Iuel
I will look for the bug and look how I could implement multi entities export
You just saved my day! :)
thank you again!