New version of Form JavaScript Manager (v1.1)

I had some feedback on this tool and then, here is a new version.
It is now possible to export several entities at the same time, by selecting from a list or by manually writing.
Bug fixes:
It could happen that the form event scripts are inverted if already exist in the form. Thus, a script could go onSave in the onLoad.



Simon Jackson said…
There's still an error in 1.1 when importing both onload and onsave scripts, it replaces the onload with the onsave scripts.

Any ideas?

Simon Jackson said…
PS Also just uploading new onsave files that do not already have any script in the forms onsave seem to go into onload, this may be because the onsave event tickbox is unticked ?

Unknown said…

nice tool, but I also have the problem that my OnLoad scripts gets overwritten by my OnSave script..

This can be really annoying..
Is the code for this project open source?
Are there new releases in the pipeline, because thanks to this tool, I can add my CRM script to source control.

Thank you,

Tanguy said…
I will check these problems and publish a new version as soon as possible!

Thank you for your feedback!
Andrew Zimmer said…
As i mentioned on the download page, great tool!

Say, I noticed a bug. I have code that creates a fetchxml request. This requires the HTML encoding to stay intact. However, when it publishes the script the following to include the actual tags as opposed to &lt...

xml +=" <condition attribute='statecode' operator='in'> <value>0</value></condition> ";

Andrew Zimmer
Andrew Zimmer said…
Looks like the blog engine does the same thing with changing tags. Drop me an email if you'd like more information on the problem I have been having.

Thanks in advance,

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