Custom web application and bin folder... Yes, but...

As you can see on the Best Practice of the CRM SDK (, since rollup 2, you can put your custom assembly to your own web application bin folder instead of using the bin folder of the CRM web application.

Since a while, I didn't understand why this practice seemed to work for everybody except me...

The answer is simple: The assembly name can't contain any dot if you want it to work... It is a known bug by Microsoft.

As I was used to name my assemblies like .Crm.Web, it couldn't work...

I hope this will help some of you, guys!


Ramon said…
ouuuu, very interesting Tanguy, thanks!
Anonymous said…
I found that out the hard way as well. However when I was working with MS on the issue, they did not admit to it being an issue. They seemed completely caught off guard by the whole thing!
Tanguy said…
In fact, I get this response from a technical consultant from MS, not the support.

But the guy told me it will be corrected... we don't know yat when...

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