XrmToolBox updated : 1.2012.1.17
Hi guys, no, I won’t talk about my HTML/JS grid in this post even if you expect it ! Wait couple of days, I’m in the process of improving performance…
I just wanted to notice a new version of the XrmToolBox which has minor improvements, but has a new tool: the Fetch Xml tester. It was a personnal tool I was using when writing my fetchXml queries and as I needed it for my HTML/JS grid, I transformed it in a XrmToolBox plugin (see screenshot below).
To see others improvements or download the new version, go to the Download Page
Does your tool have functionality of building of Fetch or it only fetches data from CRM?
No, it just executes Fetch, it does not build fetch request
But, yes, the Fetch XML Builder seems cool! If I have some time to spend later, I will maybe work on it
We all miss Stunnware tools.
I think the best substitution is here: http://www.sql2fetchxml.com/
At least sql is easier for writing :)
I released one a while ago, feel free to give feedback :)