Happy birthday XrmToolBox!!

Today, we celebrate XrmToolBox first anniversary!  this seems like a good time to give some figures

  • XrmToolBox was born in December 19th of 2012
  • It has been downloaded more than 12.000 times
  • It has been reviewed 9 times
  • It has been rated 19 times with mainly 5 stars
  • It is made of 17 tools:
    • 15 from MscrmTools
    • 1 tool from DamSim
    • 1 tool from  ProCentrix
    • 1 tool from D La B
    • and perhaps others I do not know

Below is the result of the poll I started in a previous post.


As you can see, SiteMap Editor, View Layout Replicator and Web Resources Manager are the most used tools. But do not hesitate to try out the other tools : they could certainly help you.

What is coming next?

I have still some tools to develop and the toolbox will still be updated to be always better. You can help me by making a donation as this encourages me to continue improving the toolbox and provide new tools.

For those of you that donate something, I give you a specific file to put on your XrmToolBox folder. It will thank you for your support each time you launch the XrmToolBox and you won’t be asked anymore to support it. If you already donated on the past, just contact me to get your personal file.

You can also ask for specific tools, if you don’t have time or possibility to develop it.

Where to download it?

You don’t know yet? It’s on CodePlex of course


Scott Sewell said…
Congratulations on this milestone. - The XrmToolBox is an indispensable utility for anyone serious about customizing CRM.
Unknown said…
Bonjour Monsieur Touzard

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