XrmToolBox continues to grow

I just released a new version of my toolbox with two new “features”:

  • A new tool developed by my colleague Damien (DamSim) that will allow you to copy a view from one organization to an other. This is the View Transfer Tool.


  • A new way to manage your connections. Some users reported that it was difficult to find where to manage connections. You have now the possibility to display connections list by clicking the button “Manage connections” in the toolbar of the toolbox. This will display the list of connections and let you create, update or delete connections.


  • You can also notice that this list exposes the version of the organization. it will help you determine which rollup is installed on your organizations. This number is updated each time you connect to the organization.

This updates is obviously available on CodePlex

Moreover, I’m pretty excited because I have been in touch with a developer from a well known Microsoft Dynamics CRM partner that should release a bunch of plugins for the XrmToolBox in the coming weeks. I can’t wait to see them in action, and see the XrmToolBox project growing up


Linn Zaw Win said…
I'll be waiting for the new XrmToolBox plugins.

Btw, the new name "Toolbox for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011/2013" doesn't reflect in splash screen. Just for the next release.
Ju_li3n said…
Great Tool !

Thanks guys !

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