New tool: View Layout Replicator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
Today, I finished the upgrade of View Layout Replicator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.
I posted the tool, the source code and the documentation on codeplex. Use the link below to access to these files:
As english is not my native language, if someone would like to help me improving the documentation, I will be happy to receive some help.
You can translate it in french as well. Hope this error is gone with the new Version for 2011
I read your post that was very interesting.
The difficulty, for me and my tool, is that the tool does not manipulate columnset xml node at all...
So, as there is no code that deals with this node, I have nothing to correct from my point of view...
If you think that I should add some correction, you can go to codeplex and look at the class Helpers/ViewHelper.cs, there is a method "PropagateLayout" that do all the work.
I am trying to connect to CRM Online (2011) and I receive the below error
Error while retrieving organizations : Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: ''.
Actually my Organization url is Dont know why dev. is appended to it.
Also I am not able to browse this URL from IE
I am able to discover ''
Thanks & Regards
You didn't read the documentation, did you? :)
When specifying your server name, juste use, then click on "Get Orgs." button.
You will be able to select the organization and connect to it.
I have the same problem .
Error while retrieving organizations : Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved:
the only difference is CRM Premise
Can your indicates what are these values?
I wanted to use your tool, but as i tried to connect to the Server (CRM ONline) I got the following error:
The File or assembly "Microsoft.IdentedyModel, Version = Culture=natural, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" cound´t be found.
Can yoiu help me with this?
You just need to install Microsoft identity foundation on your computer